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There is a lot of talk in the feed industry about “fixed formulas,” but has anyone ever defined that for you? With our nutrition-locked formulas, we have clearly defined our process and how it helps make ProElite® Feeds the best. When comparing feeds, it’s important to keep the difference between nutrients and ingredients in mind.

Importance of Nutrients and Ingredients in Feed

The nutrients listed on your feed tag are what drive performance. The optimal blend of amino acids, fat, vitamins, minerals, and calories are all required for your horses to look, feel, and compete at their best. Nutrients can be sourced through a variety of ingredients. The high-quality ingredients found in ProElite feeds provide the right flavor, aroma, consistency, and transparency to meet our superior standards as the only ultra-premium horse feed in the market. By only using the best of the best ingredients, we can deliver a product that your horse will readily consume and thrive on.

The Problem with Fixed Ingredients Alone

It is not uncommon to find feeds that advertise “fixed formulas.”  But did you know that by “fixing” formulas, your feed may not be providing consistent nutrients? The nutrient content of ingredients changes regionally around the United States, and from season to season. Whole oats, for example, is an ingredient that varies in its protein, fiber, and calorie content. Feeds that only provide “fixed” ingredients, regardless of the variation fail to deliver consistent nutrients to your horse. Focusing only on ensuring your horse receives “fixed” ingredients, could be causing deficiencies in your feeding program due to nutrient quality variations of certain ingredients. 

The ProElite Advantage

Unlike any other feed, ProElite feeds are designed to provide your horse the consistent nutrients it needs and the consistent ingredients you desire. Our nutrition-locked formulas secure the ingredients used in the product, while adjusting the quantity of those ingredients to ever-so slightly adjust for nutrient variation. We utilize an extensive, proprietary nutrient sampling and testing protocol for all of our feed production facilities, as daily ingredient deliveries are made. We rank our suppliers based on both consistency and quality, accounting for any variation by regular formula audits.

Our nutrition-locked formulas ensure your horse is getting the nutrients it needs out of ingredients listed on the bag with no substitutions. While the specific quantity of the ingredient might change slightly over-time to deliver consistent nutrients, the source and order of ingredients listed on the bag will not change. This system ensures the feed is palatable and delivers the superior results you expect from ProElite feeds

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