Amanda Steege | Ashmeadow Farm | Hunter
“We have been feeding ProElite for quite some time now. We immediately noticed a change in our horses’ overall body condition and in their coats, and we have continued to be happy with how they look, feel, and perform for many years now.”
John Shepard | Holly Glen Farm | Halter
“I have been a long-time user of the ProElite line of products and was sold on them by the quality of the ingredients used in the production of their feedstuffs and supplements. We have customers that have a high expectation of their horse’s potential, and ProElite provides us with the necessary nutrition to prepare our equine athletes to their full potential. With Halter Horses, consistency is the foundation of our program, and ProElite gives us that in the quality of their products.”
Jordan Larson | Larson Performance Horses | Reining
“ProElite has really changed the way we feed our horses. When hay quality varies, I know that ProElite is making up for it. Our equine athletes require the best nutrition, and we are so grateful to know we are feeding them the highest quality ingredients, and our horses love it.”
Lynn Symanksky | Lynn Symanksky Equestrian | Eventing
“All of my horses love their ProElite feed and always lick their buckets clean. I love that ProElite has a variety of high-quality products that are right for every horse from my World Games partner to my retired mounts and everyone in between. It is great that we don’t have to feed too much, but still get top results with healthy and happy horses.”
Mary Lauritsen | Millennium Dressage | Dressage
“Feeding ProElite to our horses gives me peace of mind. I know our horses are receiving all the nutrients and support they need to thrive when they are on the ProElite feeding program. Given the high-quality ingredients in ProElite feed, our horses can eat less grain and show more results be it in their coat condition, muscle tone, and stamina.”
McLain Ward | Castle Hill Farm | Jumper
“Big thank you to ProElite for being a huge part of our success.”
Mike Jennings | Professional Horse Services, LLC | Western All Around
“I have been involved with feeding show quality horses for more than 50 years. In less than 60 days on ProElite Feed, our horses looked better than ever, and we were able to cut back on the amount fed. It is the best feed I have ever fed.”
Boyd Rice | Reined Cow Horse
“I have fed ProElite for years now. We have had great results with both. My horses are always slick and fat and look good.”
Tracy Magness | Hunter/Jumper
“ProElite feed has a wide variety of feeds that keep all of my horses looking and feeling great. We have everything from weanlings to retired horses in their late twenties.”
Samantha Schaefer | Shadow Ridge | Hunter/Jumper
“With the high-quality ingredients and stringent manufacturing processes that are evident in every bag of ProElite feed, I am able to focus on my riding and training regimen without worrying if my horses are getting the nourishment needed to hit their peak performance.”
Sara Hassler | Hassler Dressage | Dressage
“ProElite is the peace of mind every horse owner needs. Nutrition is one of the most important factors in our horse’s wellbeing, knowing that they are being fueled by the ProElite is such a relief. I get to walk into my barn, see shiny dappled horses, ride happy athletes, gorgeous toplines, performing at top levels, and see them look forward to every meal knowing that I’m only feeding them the best.”
Steve Meadows | Meadows Quarter Horses | Ranch Versatility
“In 35+ years of being a professional horseman, I’ve used several different brands of feed. ProElite feeds provide a consistency and quality that I have never seen before. Plus, the horses love it!”

ProElite feed and supplements are available at select in-person retailers and online. Call ahead to confirm the product is currently in stock.