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  • alfalfa horse feed bag
    Diet Balancer

    Alfalfa Advantage

    15% Crude Protein
    15% Crude Fiber
    5% Crude Fat
    The pelleted feed with a low feeding rate that balances rations for broodmares, growing, performance, and maintenance horses.
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  • grass horse feed bag
    Diet Balancer

    Grass Advantage

    30% Crude Protein
    6% Crude Fiber
    5% Crude Fat
    The pelleted feed with a low feeding rate that balances rations for broodmares, growing, performance, and maintenance horses.
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  • growth horse feed bag
    Horse Feed


    16% Crude Protein
    15% Crude Fiber
    9% Crude Fat
    The textured feed for foals, growing horses, and broodmares.
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